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Don’t miss these events in March!

Women Engineers and Engineers and Scientists of France organize with the assistance of the rectorate of Lille

March 25 from 9:00 to 11:30 am at ENSAIT, 2 allée Louise et Victor Champier in Roubaix,

  • A conference that will allow you, after an introduction by the rectorate of the academy of Lille, to listen to the testimonies of female engineering students who will talk about their studies and life in engineering school and the second about their profession.

These meetings are free, but for a good management of the flows, and to ensure the best safety of all the participants, the registration is compulsory HERE

The fabric of enlightened leaders :

March 30, 2023: Véronique Penchienati Bosetta - Deputy General Manager of the Danone Group: "How is the economic, environmental and social project a lever for performance and employee commitment? ".

After starting her career in Hong Kong, she joined Danone in 1999, where she held marketing positions in France and internationally for all the group's product categories, cookies, dairy products, and water. She became a member of Danone's COMEX in 2017, heading the marketing function, then Specialized Nutrition before becoming International General Manager.

She was appointed Deputy General Manager in January 2023 in charge of Europe, China and Oceania, Asia and Africa and the Waters and Specialty Nutrition categories, as well as the Global Marketing and Digital functions.

During this morning session, she will answer the following questions:

- How does Danone manage to deploy the company's culture and DNA worldwide?

- What are the key success factors of a company with a mission? What are the implications in terms of leadership?

- How does a global food company like Danone cope with the current geopolitical and macroeconomic volatility and maintain its leadership?

MEE Conference "Modeling in Ecology and Evolution": registration is open

This MEE 2023 conference targets early career researchers (CDC - Master students, PhD students and post-docs) in the fields of ecology and evolution. It aims to promote exchanges within the rich research ecosystem of Montpellier, in a friendly and informal way. This year, CDC from the CIBIO laboratory in Porto, Portugal, will also attend as part of the H2020 Teaming "Biopolis" program (contribution of UMR CEFE and UM).


The first two days (May 24-25, 2023) will be devoted to papers and posters presented by the CDC (researchers at the beginning of their career), as well as to some longer plenary lectures by researchers with more professional experience. The morning of May 26 will be devoted to other activities that will be communicated later, as well as the exact location (in Montpellier) and satellite social events.

Registration as a speaker or as a listener is free of charge but mandatory via this registration form.

Oral communications should last 20 minutes (15 minutes of presentation + 5 minutes of questions). The scientific committee may propose to redirect oral communications to posters.

It is also possible to register to attend the conference free of charge even without presenting a poster or a slide show, but as the number of participants is limited, the first come first served principle will be applied.

Cancers – Exposure

One out of three French people is affected by cancer today, and one out of two cancers is "cured". Through this exhibition, you will have an overview of the disease in France, the keys to better understand it, its treatments, and the means of prevention. The Cité des sciences et de l'industrie deals with a major public health issue and hopes to take up the challenge of lifting the taboo on this pathology that concerns us all. The exhibition is produced in partnership with INCa and Inserm, with the contribution of INRAE.

42% of cancers are linked to our lifestyles and behaviors ... 4/10 can be avoided by changing our lifestyle

The exhibition begins with cancers in the history of the evolution of species, it deciphers the mechanism of carcinogenesis, explains the deflagration that the patient feels at the time of the announcement. He then discusses the knowledge and treatments provided by research before ending with the political dimension of cancer.

In the "research" section:

  • Listen to Joël Doré, INRAE research director, give an update on the links between microbiota and cancer;

  • Read "Everything you always wanted to know about cancer", with information provided by the NACRe cancer research network, in which INRAE participates along with other partners.

During the school vacations, you will be able to discuss with scientists present in the exhibition.

Exhibition present until August 8, 2023

European Society of Veterinary Epidemiology 2023 Conference

The next edition of the annual conference of the European Society of Veterinary Epidemiology will be held in Toulouse from March 22 to 24, 2023.

With the mission of allowing professionals in the field to meet and share their knowledge in order to improve the health of animals, humans and the environment, the European Society of Veterinary Epidemiology meets every year during a congress.

Organized this year in Toulouse by the Decisional Epidemiology in Animal Health team of the Host-Pathogen Interactions laboratory (IHAP - INRAE/ ENVT), it will gather more than 200 participants.

Presentations will cover a wide range of topics, from the modeling of infectious animal or zoonotic diseases to the prevention of production diseases, including the economics of animal health and the epidemiology of diseases of domestic carnivores.

Outing with the CPIE 54: What future for the French forests?

An outing, organized by the CPIE Nancy-Champenoux, takes place on March 26, 2023 at the Arboretum of Amance around the question "What future for the French forests?

Biodiver'Stival 2023

Within the framework of Biodiver'Stival, the association Jardin Nature Pibrac offers a week of free activities dedicated to local biodiversity, plant, and animal, to raise awareness among young and old of the urgent need to protect our environment. Georges Gonzalez, INRAE researcher, will speak at the film-debate on Monday, March 20, 2023.

On the program of this 5th edition: 4 movie-debate evenings planned from Monday to Thursday, in the Salle polyvalente in Pibrac and 2 conferences, Thursday and Friday, in the Salle Nougaro in Toulouse, as well as a ciné-P'tit-déj on Sunday morning for the families.

On Monday, March 20, the theme will be rewilding or how nature reclaims its rights with the screening of a documentary and a debate led by Georges Gonzalez, INRAE researcher at the Wildlife Behavior and Ecology Laboratory (CEFS) at the INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse center, and Lorette Hivert, veterinary doctor, hospital assistant at the Wildlife Clinic of the National Veterinary School of Toulouse.

Wednesday, March 23, screening of the film "Paysan Paysage", the story of a farmer who abandons dairy farming for agroforestry, followed by a debate led by Hervé Brustel, teacher-researcher at the engineering school of Purpan Toulouse, Dynamics and ecology of agriforestry landscapes laboratory (Dynafor) and holder of the Biodiversity Chair at the Conservatory of Natural Spaces of Occitanie.

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