Hello Everyone !
Let me introduce myself, I’m Victoria. It’s a pleasure for me to introduce you to my background and experience as a woman in process engineering.
I live in Portland, Oregon, USA. I work as a process engineer at Nike. Nike products are manufactured using a set of processes designed to automate and optimize the manufacturing process. My role is to develop and design these processes and then regularly check their efficiency, knowing that efficiency means making good quality products in a short period of time.
I therefore collect on a daily basis a lot of data from the different departments I work with (design engineers, planners, automation engineers, polymer researchers and forensic scientist). This data is interpreted and used to improve processes.
I have chosen this field because I felt Nike was a place where I can continue my journey as a science creative. A science creative for me, is one who creatively applies science knowledge to develop and produce innovative products for the future of fashion, sport, art and technology.
My educational background is very different than most. If anyone would like a copy of my resume contact me and I would be happy to share ! : Before graduating from university as a process engineer, I did a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering, followed by numerous internships in Fortune 500 companies (ranking of American companies with large sales), polymer research at Princeton and an academic exchange in China.
My greatest achievement has been graduating. It was a very long journey for me because I started as a business major then switched my major to engineering all while losing my best friend to gun violence in between. College is not easy and has many ups and downs and tons of mentally draining events that cause most to not finish. I was able to overcome those obstacles and no matter how long it took me to graduate I completed it with a full-time job in hand that I like !
If I had any opportunity to change anything in life it would probably be to take all my basic courses in community college. It would have saved me a lot of money.
What makes me different is the positive energy that I bring and my close attention to detail, that I apply to all areas of my life, even my hobbies.
Outside of work I enjoy yoga and Pilates. I recently started a business as well, so I am mostly doing lot of planning for that. I don’t have a team yet, so I do everything from scouting my models for photoshoots, styling the model, creative direction, and taking the photos and marketing for my brand. I basically create and workout outside of work!
Look at me at work, I was so excited !! 😁😁😁
The way I combine my personal and professional life is by being vocal about who I am outside of work to my work people. Most know I am a creative and that I love fashion. I also combine by using project management skills I learned at work and apply that to how I run my personal brand.
My advice is to TRUST YOURSELF, WORK HARD AND STUDY. Also, don’t sell yourself short and do the work. Cutting corners will not get you anywhere but back where you started. Working also builds confidence so do the work !
Go girls, we rock !! 💪💪
Written by Eunice Mbandou